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Field schedule, Saturday July 1

This information is also available in the catalogue.

Field 1 first run

Start time 08:00
BreedClassNumber of runs
Afghan HoundCACIL males14
Galgo EspanolCACIL females17
Galgo EspanolCACIL males14

Field 1 second run

Start time 13:00
BreedClassNumber of runs
Irish WolfhoundCACIL females5
Irish WolfhoundCACIL males3
SloughiCACIL females8
SloughiCACIL males6
Chart PolskiCACIL mixed4
Afghan HoundCACIL females13

Field 3 first run

Start time 08:00
BreedClassNumber of runs
Irish WolfhoundCACIL females5
Irish WolfhoundCACIL males3
SloughiCACIL females8
SloughiCACIL males6
Chart PolskiCACIL mixed4
Afghan HoundCACIL females13

Field 3 second run

Start time 13:00
BreedClassNumber of runs
Afghan HoundCACIL males14
Galgo EspanolCACIL females17
Galgo EspanolCACIL males14

Field 4 first run

Start time 08:00
BreedClassNumber of runs
Italian SighthoundCACIL females19
Italian SighthoundCACIL males20

Field 4 second run

Start time 13:00
BreedClassNumber of runs
Italian SighthoundCACIL females19
Italian SighthoundCACIL males20